Trustworthy CEREC Dentist in Calgary
The days of ceramic restorations taking multiple appointments to create are over! You can count on our CEREC dentists at Bite Dental Works for ceramic and porcelain restorations in Calgary.. Thanks to CEREC, you can say goodbye to all these problems. With the right equipment and techniques, we help restore your smile. For more information, please feel free to speak to our team. We will always be happy to help you with all your dental requirements.

“The last crown that I had done in my own mouth was in 2003. At the first appointment, my friend prepped my tooth, made an impression, and placed a temporary crown. I was scheduled to get the final crown in 1 week. The night before I was to get the final crown, the temporary crown came off. My tooth was so sensitive! Now I understood the discomfort that my patients felt when their temporary crowns came loose. In 2004, I began to do CEREC dentistry and have never looked back.
The most common material (by a longshot) used for crowns today is Zirconium. Zirconium crowns are made using CAD / CAM. A dentist who uses a dental lab gets a polished Zirconium crown which is milled from a design on a virtual model from a scan of a stone model which is poured up from an impression of the teeth. We get a polished Zirconium crown which is milled from a design on a virtual model from a scan of the teeth 35 minutes after the scan is performed.”
What is CEREC?
CEREC is an acronym that stands for Chair-side Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. CEREC is a way in which a ceramic restoration (a veneer, crown, bridge, implant crown) is fabricated. There are hundreds of different materials that are used for CEREC. The two most commonly used materials used for crowns in dentistry today are Emax (for front teeth) and Zirconium (more common for back teeth). We use both for CEREC in our office (as well as a few others).

How is a CEREC Crown Done?
After preparing the tooth for a crown, the area is scanned to instantaneously construct a virtual model of the mouth.

The restoration is designed using CAD (Computer Aided Design).

The restoration is milled / sintered / glazed using CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture).

The restoration is cemented or bonded onto the tooth.
Advantages of CEREC Dentistry
Single Appointment
No impressions
No temporary restoration
Kinder to the tooth – tooth is sealed/bonded right away
Esthetic / Biocompatible materials
Time tested technology. CEREC was invented in 1985. My first CEREC machine used Windows XP. That was 3 machines and 6,000+ restorations ago.
To understand CEREC and other dental technologies and methods better, you can read our detailed blog posts.
“The future is here. When I was a dental student, if you had told me that I could restore my patients’ teeth by scanning the tooth into a computer and bonding the restoration into place 30 minutes later, I would have thought you were crazy.”
Advantages of crown/onlay fabricated with CEREC:
No dental impressions
No temporary crown
Only 1 appointment
Comfortable (the tooth is sealed immediately after it is prepped by placing the bonded final restoration)
Aesthetic restorations (high translucency and metal-free)
Conservative (only damaged tooth structure is removed)
Biocompatible material
Tested (CEREC has been in use for 25 years and the new CEREC PrimeScan is a 6th generation machine)
1. The tooth is shaped to accept the restoration
2. The teeth are scanned
3. The computer constructs a virtual model of the teeth
4. Your restoration is designed using CAD technology.
5. The restoration is milled from a ceramic block.
6. We bond your CEREC restoration in place.